January 2025
- Posted on
- By Leah Williams
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Hey Rockstar! |
Happy 2025!
Thank you so much for being a part of our journey here at Minerals & Mystics. Whether you just met us recently or you've been with us for years, we appreciate you so much for all your support.
The new year always brings an influx of "resolutions"- all these negative aspects of ourselves we plan to change this coming year. We're shown all these ads and social media posts telling us what we need to change about ourselves- lose that last couple of pounds, drink less, eat more veggies, wear more makeup, exercise more, buy this or that to improve whatever insecurity we have.
This year, I'm not doing resolutions; I'm making manifestations! The word can be defined a few ways, but I think of it as creating, of bringing something good into my life because I believe in it. It's similar to wishing, but with a lot more belief it'll happen. You believe it so strongly that instead of saying "I wish" or "I hope" you say "I will" or "I am".
Spend some time quiet with your thoughts. (Use a guided meditation if you struggle being alone with your thoughts like I do sometimes.) Think deeply about your desires and how you want your life to look. Make present tense statements of bringing those desires to life. (I am successful at work. I have a clean and tidy home. I am living as my most authentic self. Etc.) Do the steps to make these manifestations reality. (We can't find a new job we love if we're not looking at job openings, right?)
2025 will be your best year yet! Let's make it that way!
--- With love, Leah
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